Sunday, February 27, 2011

Chrysler Eminem Super Bowl Commercial - Imported From Detroit

1 comment:

  1. OK so I watch this commercial, and also the 2min version that doesn't have Eminem in it, and I really, REALLY think this might be the best commercial from the Super Bowl and one of the most powerfully emotional, well directed, advertising endeavors I've seen in recent years.

    Detroit has a moniker. We call it the "Mistake by the Lake", its reputation for contributing the best, most attractive American vehicles and the hottest, most cutting edge pop music having long since faded.

    We remember Detroit now for the collapse of Motown, the Bankruptcy of Chrysler, the criminal trial of its Mayor, the gang violence of its polluted streets, and its overall economic and social decline. And then there was Eminem. And 8-Mile. And now this...

    Made me even re-evaluate my opinions of the city. Ok, well not so much so that its THAT poignant - but kind of up there.

    So I wanted to share. And plus, this ad has a little piano. And everyone knows that a little piano goes a long way for Piano Manny. Enjoy.

    Peace, Frieinds...
