Ok so I love Shaunie from Basketball Wives.
Let me say at the outset that I am truly ashamed of my affection for both this show and for this woman. Trash TV is so not my thing. Usually. However, for all the Shaunie-haters out there, I wanted to real quick say why I'm feeling her as opposed to those 'other chicks' on Basketball Wives.
First she is part owner of the show. She took some of Shaq's money and leveraged her a production deal. Hey, it may be trashy and somewhat staged, but when every other Hollywood has-been is trying to come out with a fragrance, or a clothing line, she's doing something different. And its working! Kudos for being more than just a pretty face. Apparently theres a noggin worth a lil somethin' between those ears of hers.
Secondly, speaking of pretty faces, all the women on BBW are kinda pretty. I'll go ahead and admit it. But personality? Please! They all leave me wanting to gag like REALLY?? Am I to really believe that these thirty-five plus women are fixing to brawl in the streets? If so, thats the most unattractive thing ever. But it makes for good television, I guess. Shaunie, on the other hand, is usually the peacemaker. She never gets into heated verbal assaults on the other girls, and she never really engages in the gossip except to the extent she's dragged into it by others.
Regarding other women who have slept with her husband, you can kind of understand her hard line with those people, but hey. Its Basketball, and those are the breaks. Handle yourself with some class, right? Thats exactly what Shaunie has done. Tami looks like she's going to fight everyone on EARTH before its over with. Suzy is going to talk about everyone, Royce is clueless, and so is Jennifer. Although I will say that Jen has a little bit of dignity to me...except when it comes to her husband. And her choice in friends. At the end of the day, I believe Evelyn is the worst of them all. She thinks she's better than everyone, and superficiality is the order of the day most every episode. Grow up Evelyn!
So thats my thing. Piano Manny likes Shaunie and that's that. She's the better of the feminine evils on that show and I wish her all the best. I'll be shamefully tuning into Season 3 of Basketball Wives. Tune in with me on May 30 Memorial weekend, and let me know what you think!!